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The Unification Church

The Unification Church International, also known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification or simply the Unification Church, was established by Sun Myung Moon in South Korea in 1954. Central to the beliefs of this religious movement are the teachings of Moon, whom his followers regard as a messiah and the second coming of Christ.

Key tenets of the Unification Church include their central text, the "Exposition of the Divine Principle," which elucidates their theological principles, emphasizing the dual nature of humanity - an internal spiritual self and an external physical self - with true fulfillment achieved through their harmonization. Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, are revered as the "True Parents" fulfilling the mission of Jesus on Earth, seen as sinless and perfect representatives of God. The church teaches the concept of restoration, positing that humanity's deviation from God's original ideal began with Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden. They believe that by adhering to Moon's teachings, individuals can restore their relationship with God and work towards a sin-free world. A significant practice within the Unification Church is the Blessing Ceremony

The Unification Church

Founding Location

Seoul, South Korea



Sun Myung Moon

Official Website

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