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Q Anon

QAnon, an American political conspiracy theory and movement, centers around the belief that a secret cabal of Satanic child molesters is operating a global child sex trafficking ring and has conspired against former President Donald Trump. Followers of QAnon anticipate a day known as "the Storm", during which they believe the Trump administration would secretly arrest and execute thousands of cabal members. QAnon believers have accused a wide range of individuals, including Democratic politicians, Hollywood actors, high-ranking government officials, business magnates, and medical experts, of being part of this cabal. Additionally, the movement has asserted that Trump propagated the conspiracy of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to enlist Robert Mueller to help expose the sex trafficking ring and prevent a coup d'état by figures like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros. QAnon has faced accusations of antisemitism due to its fixation on George Soros, a Jewish financier, and conspiracy theories involving the Rothschild family.

QAnon began in 2017 with posts by an anonymous figure known as "Q" on the website 4chan, later moving to 8chan, where Q's cryptic posts, referred to as "drops," gained notoriety and were collected by aggregator apps and websites. It evolved into a political movement and attracted followers who even appeared at Trump campaign rallies. Trump himself amplified QAnon accounts on Twitter. The movement's conspiracy theories were also disseminated by Russian and Chinese state-backed media, social media troll accounts, and the far-right Epoch Media Group associated with Falun Gong. While the exact number of QAnon adherents remains uncertain, social media platforms began taking action to curb the spread of the conspiracy theory due to increased scrutiny. QAnon followers have been linked to acts of violence, participated in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, and were involved in efforts to overturn the election results after Joe Biden's victory. Prominent Trump associates like Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, and Sidney Powell have promoted QAnon-related conspiracy theories. The U.S. Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, led to a more sustained social media crackdown on the movement and its claims.

Q Anon

Founding Location




LARPer Guy

Official Website

**Videos may contain sensitive subject matter. 

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