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Jesus didn't resurrect overnight, neither has the site. We are making progress, and will continue to add to the site. 


"One man's cult is another man's religion"

What is a Cult?

The term "cult" is a word that has woven itself into the fabric of our societal consciousness, conjuring images of secrecy, manipulation, and charismatic leaders. Yet, in the vast labyrinth of human beliefs and behaviors, the definition of a cult can be as elusive as it is intriguing. For some, it invokes images of fringe religious sects or countercultural movements, while for others, it may conjure thoughts of tightly-knit fan clubs or intense devotion to a particular cause.


The Vagueness of "Cult"

As we embark on this journey to explore the world of cults, it becomes clear that "cult" is a term often shrouded in ambiguity and subjectivity. What defines a cult to one person may not resonate with another's perspective, leading to confusion and misconceptions. It's a term laden with emotional baggage, making it challenging to engage in constructive dialogue about the many groups and movements that fall under its broad umbrella.


Destructive High Control Groups: A More Accurate Description

To delve deeper into this realm, we introduce a more precise and illuminating concept: the "Destructive High Control Group" (DHCG). This term sheds light on the core characteristics that truly distinguish groups of concern from others. A DHCG isn't simply a group with unconventional beliefs or practices; it is an entity that employs manipulative tactics, psychological coercion, and undue influence to exploit its members. It is a realm where autonomy is sacrificed, critical thinking stifled, and loyalty demanded at any cost.

Join us on this quest to understand what lies beyond the vague connotations of "cult" and explore the intricate dynamics of Destructive High Control Groups. Together, we will navigate the intricate web of human psychology, group dynamics, and the allure of charismatic leaders as we shine a light on the shadows that obscure these enigmatic entities.


Click for more detailed information on the BITE Model and the Influence Continuum




Lafayette Ronald Hubbard


Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses

Charles Taze Russell


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Joseph Smith


The People's Temple

The People's Temple

James "Jim" Warren Jones


Heaven's Gate

Heaven's Gate

Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles




Keith Raniere


Q Anon

Q Anon

LARPer Guy


The Unification Church

The Unification Church

Sun Myung Moon


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